Table 1.
Quality indicators for the interRAI LTCF instrument
# 1 | Indicator | Numerator 2 | Denominator exclusions 3 | Risk adjustment | FAP 4 |
Prevalence indicators |
Mental functions |
beh01 |
Behaviour problem prevalence 5 |
Behaviour symptoms |
Comatose. |
+ |
beh02 |
High risk behaviour problem prevalence |
Behaviour symptoms |
Comatose. |
+ |
Low risk behaviour (see beh03) |
beh03 |
Low risk behaviour problem prevalence |
Behaviour symptoms |
Comatose. |
+ |
Dependent in daily decision making or short term memory problem. Schizophrenic or bipolar depression. |
dep01 |
Depression prevalence |
Depression Ration Scale score > = 3 |
Health problems |
cnt01 |
Bladder/bowel incontinence prevalence |
Frequent or always bladder or bowel incontinent |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
+ |
cnt05 |
High risk bladder/bowel incontinence prevalence |
Frequent or always bladder or bowel incontinent |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
+ |
Low risk incontinence (see cnt06) |
cnt06 |
Low risk bladder/bowel incontinence prevalence |
Frequent or always bladder or bowel incontinent |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
+ |
Severely impaired decision making and short term memory problem. |
Total ADL dependence in bed mobility, transfer toilet or locomotion. |
cnt04 |
Urinary tract infection |
End-stage disease or hospice care. |
inf01 |
Infections prevalence |
Pneumonia, COPD, septicemia, Sexually transmitted disease, UTI or viral hepatitis |
End-stage disease or hospice care. |
+ |
nut01 |
Feeding tube prevalence |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
(1) Swallowing problem and stroke |
+ |
bmi0x |
Low body mass index prevalence |
bmi < = 19 |
End-stage disease or hospice care. |
+ |
pai01 |
Inadequate pain management prevalence |
Daily moderate or worse pain |
(1) Dependent in daily decision making |
+ |
pru01 |
Pressure ulcer prevalence |
PU |
+ |
pru02 |
High risk pressure ulcer prevalence |
PU |
Comatose. |
+ |
Low risk PU (see pru03) |
pru03 |
Low risk pressure ulcer prevalence |
PU |
Comatose. |
+ |
Extensive assistance or more with toilet transfer or bed mobility. |
bur0x |
Burns, skin tears or cuts prevalence |
Burns, skin tears or cuts |
+ |
Treatments and procedures |
soc02 |
Little/no activity prevalence |
Little or no time involved in activities |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
drg01 |
Antipsychotic prevalence |
Use of antipsychotic(s) |
End-stage disease or hospice care. |
+ |
Psychotic disorder. |
drg02 |
High risk antipsychotic prevalence |
Use of antipsychotic(s) |
End-stage disease or hospice care. |
+ |
Low risk AP (see drg03) |
drg03 |
Low risk antipsychotic prevalence |
Use of antipsychotic(s) |
End-stage disease or hospice care. |
+ |
Psychotic disorder. |
Dependent in daily decision making. |
Short term memory problem. |
Behaviour symptoms score. |
adp01 |
Antidepressant prevalence |
Use of antidepressant(s) |
+ |
vac01 |
Influenza vaccination prevalence |
Influenza vaccination in last 12 months |
cat02 |
Indwelling catheter prevalence |
Indwelling catheter |
End-stage disease or hospice care. |
(1) Frequent or always bowel incontinent |
(2) Stage 3+ PU |
res01 |
Physical restraints use prevalence |
Daily used trunk restraint or chair that prevents rising |
Incidence indicators |
Physical functions |
adl01 |
Late-loss ADL decline |
Scores as compared to previous scores 6 for bed mobility, transfer toilet, eating, toilet use: +1 on at least two of the items or +2 on one item. |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
At previous assessment such a (high/low) score on items that numerator conditions cannot be met. 7 |
adl02 |
ADL decline following an improvement |
Score on adl-lf 8 lower than previous AND score on previous adl-lf higher than at the assessment before previous. |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
adl03 |
ADL improvement |
Score on adl-lf lower than previous |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
Person or caregivers do not believe improvement possible. |
mob01 |
Locomotion worsening |
Score on locomotion adl higher than previous |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
(1) Fell |
+ |
(2) Extensive assistance eating |
(3) Extensive assistance toilet use |
fal01 |
Falls increase |
Fell in last 30 days |
At previous assessment not a fall in last 30 days |
(1) Bedbound |
(2) Wandering behaviour |
(3) Unsteady gait and cps > =2 |
Mental functions |
cog01 |
Cognitive decline |
Score on cps higher than previous |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
(1) Frequent or always bowel incontinent |
+ |
(2) Fell in last 30 days |
(3) Weight loss |
(4) 76+ years old |
com01 |
Communication decline |
Score on making self understood + ability to understand others higher than previous |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
(1) Extensive assistance eating |
+ |
(2) Short term memory |
del01 |
Delirium new or persistent |
Score of 2 on one or more of the delirium items OR a previous score of 2 and now 1 OR now score of 1 and cps < 4 |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
+ |
beh04 |
Behaviour problem decline |
Sum of behaviour symptoms scores higher than previous |
Comatose |
(1) Not aphasia |
+ |
Previous score of 0 on all of the behaviour symptoms |
(2) Moderate or severe decision making problem |
Health problems |
cnt02 |
Bowel continence decline |
Score on bowel incontinence higher than previous |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
(1) Short term memory |
(2) Extensive assistance dressing |
(3) Frequent or always bladder incontinent |
cnt03 |
Bladder continence decline |
Score on bladder incontinence higher than previous |
Comatose, end-stage disease or hospice care. |
(1) Short term memory |
+ |
(2) Extensive assistance dressing |
(3) Severely impaired decision making |
(4) Weight loss |
wgt01 |
Weight loss |
5% or more weight loss in last 30 days or 10% or more in last 180 days |
End-stage disease or hospice care. |
(1) Long term memory |
+ |
Participant in weight loss program. |
(2) Extensive assistance bed mobility |
(3) Daily or almost daily physically aggressive |
pan01 |
Pain worsening |
Score on pain frequency higher than previous |
(1) Dependent in daily decision making |
+ |
pru04 |
Pressure ulcers worsening |
Score on PU stage higher than previous |
(1) Extensive assistance with toilet transfer |
+ |
(2) Fluctuating, precarious, deteriorating condition |
(3) Extensive assistance with bed mobility |
(4) Extensive assistance with locomotion |
Treatments and procedures |
cat01 |
New indwelling catheter |
Score on indwelling catheter higher than previous |
End-stage disease or hospice care. |
(1) Frequent or always bowel incontinent |
(2) Stage 3+ Pressure Ulcer |
1 Mnemonics for the quality indicators from megaQI project [5].
2 The ADL’s with a 0 – 6 range in the interRAI LTCF have first been recoded into a 0 – 4 range as in RAI/MDS 2.0.
3 Condition at target assessment unless stated differently.
4 FAP = Facility Admission Profile. FAP-adjustment means correction on the basis of score of the numerator items at admission, if admission occurred in last five quarters.
5 All prevalence indicators are calculated at only one, the last, assessment where the person had stayed 30+ days in the facility.
6 When an assessment is compared with a previous assessment 6 assessments can be considered, i.e. the target assessment as compared to the previous one; the previous one as compared to the one before that, and so on. It means that in theory a person can be counted 5 times in the calculation of a QI.
7 This condition or a similar condition applies to all of the indicators.
8 The following scales are used: adl-long form [16], cognitive performance scale [17] and depression rating scale [18].