Identity |
Which of the following symptoms are most common with malaria infection? |
Cause |
How is malaria usually spread from person to person? |
Timeline |
What is the shortest amount of time between being infected and noticing symptoms? |
Consequences |
Which action is best to minimize the negative consequences of malaria? |
Control/Cure |
Why might travelers going to malaria-risk regions be advised to take anti-malarial medication? |
Coherence |
While in Kenya, Michael takes an anti-malarial drug daily, but his roommate does not. His roommate is diagnosed with malaria and receives medication to treat it. What should Michael do to protect himself? |
Emotion |
Risk Perception − 2 items (5-point scale) |
Worry |
How worried are you that you might contract malaria if you traveled to a malaria-risk destination? |
Likelihood |
If you traveled to a malaria-risk destination, how likely do you think it is that you would be infected? |