Figure 7.
Protein localization of AM, CRLR, RAMP2 and RAMP3 in the bovine placentome on day 56 of gestation. Protein localization of (A) AM, (D) CRLR, (G) RAMP2 and (J) RAMP3 was detected by immunohistochemistry. (B, E, H and K) enlarged images of frames in A, D, G and J, respectively. Sections (7 μm) of the bovine placentome on Day 56 of gestation were incubated with anti-human AM, anti-human CRLR, anti-human RAMP2 and anti-human RAMP3 polyclonal antibodies. A distinct AM signal was found only in BNCs. Protein localization of CRLR, RAMP2 and RAMP3 was detected in cotyledonary villous and CEs. (C, F, I and L) no signal was detected in the negative control sections using normal rabbit IgG. BNC, trophoblast binucleate cell; CE, caruncular epithelial cell; CV, cotyledonary villous. Scale bars = 20 μm.