Figure 6. Cav1.3 CDI is not affected by harmonin or the dfcr mutant.
A, top, representative traces for ICa and IBa normalized and overlaid for comparison in cells transfected with Cav1.3(β2A) alone or cotransfected with harmonin or dfcr. Currents were evoked by 300 ms pulses to −20 mV from −90 mV. Bottom, inactivation was calculated as the current amplitude at the end of the pulse normalized to the peak current amplitude (Ires/Ipk) and is shown for ICa and IBa. CDI represents the difference in Ires/Ipk for ICa and the mean Ires/Ipk for IBa. For Cav1.3(β2A) alone, n= 5 for ICa, n= 10 for IBa; for +harmonin, n= 7 for ICa, n= 11 for IBa; for +dfcr, n= 9 for ICa, n= 9 for IBa. *P < 0.001 by t test. B, parameters obtained from double exponential fits of current traces obtained as in A.