Table 2.
Description of the model parameters
Parameter | sik(x, v) | Description |
Effects associated with variables | ||
Ego (focal adolescent) | viΣjxij | Main effect of adolescent’s own varname on the selection of friends (sociability) |
Alter (potential friend) | Σjxijvj | Main effect of potential friends’ varname on the selection of friends (popularity) |
Ego X alter interaction | viΣjxijv̂j | Expresses the tendency for adolescents with higher values on varname to prefer ties to potential friends who likewise have higher values (this is a form of similarity that increases with distance from the mean) |
Ego X alter interaction at distance=2 |
viΣjxijv̂j v̂j = alters’ alter v̄ |
Expresses the tendency for adolescents with higher values on varname to prefer ties through an intermediate friend to potential friends who likewise have higher values (this is a form of similarity increasing with distance from the mean reflecting indirect connections). |
Same varname (adolescent and potential friend)1 | ΣjxijI(vi = vj) | Effect of the adolescent and the potential friend having an identical value on varname |
Effect paramaterizations | ||
Evaluation effects | e(x, v) | The baseline effect paramaterization assuming symmetry between the creation and dissolution of friendships |
Creation effects1 | Δ+c(x, v) | Captures the creation of new ties |
Endownment/durability effects1 | Δ−d(x, v) | Compares keeping existing ties to dropping them |
Structural parameters | ||
Outdegree | Σjxij | General tendency to choose a friend |
Reciprocity | Σjxijxjl | Tendency to have reciprocal friendships |
Transitive triplets | Σj,hxihxijxjh | Tendency to become a friend of a friends’ friend (controls for transitive network closure) |
3-Cycles2 | Σj,hxijxjhxhi | Tendency for a friend’s friend to chose the adolescent as a friend (generalized reciprocity) |
Number distance=23 | #(j|xij = 0, G = 2) | Tendency to be indirectly connected through one intermediary (controls for indirect connections) |
I(vi = vj) is a function indicating whether vi = vj (=1) or vi ≠ vj (= 0).
Creation and durability operationalizations are included together, thus resulting in two rather than one effect for each parameter included in the model.
A positive effect implies generalized reciprocity while a negative effect with a positive transitive triplet effect suggests local hierarchies (Ripley and Snijders 2011).
This effect is an inverse effect of network closure so effects tend to be negative, suggesting that indirect connections tend to close or are lost.