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. 2013 Jul 22;4:268. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00268

Table 1.

Overview of sulfide toxicity effects reported in marine, brackish and freshwater plants.

Ecotype Concentration Observation Method References
Species (μmol L−1)
Halodule wrightii 2000 AD Glucose add. to increase SO4 red. Koch et al., 2007
Posidonia oceanica >1800 AD Glucose add. to increase SO4 red. Frederiksen et al., 2008
Halophila ovalis >150 AP, RP, Raised T (25–30°C) in aq. exp. Holmer et al., 2011
Posidonia oceanica 1500 AP, AD Field Fe addition to lower HS Marbà et al., 2007
Thalassia testudinum >500 AD Field observation Borum et al., 2005
Thalassia testudinum 5500 AD Glucose add. to increase SO4 red. Koch et al., 2007
Thalassia testudinum 6000 AD (only high T and Sal.) H2S in hydroponic culture Koch and Erskine, 2001
Thalassia testudinum 5000 AD org. matter to increase SO4 red. Ruiz-Halpern et al., 2008
Zostera marina 600/1000 NP (low/high light) H2S inject. microcosm sediment Goodman et al., 1995
Zostera marina >1800 No indication of AD Glucose add. to increase SO4 red. Frederiksen et al., 2008
Zostera noltii >200 AP Omission of Loripes bivalves Van der Heide et al., 2012
Zostera noltii >500 LE (from patches) org. matter to increase SO4 red. Govers et al. pers. observ.
Zostera marina 600 AP, AD Raised T (18°C) in aq. exp. Hoffle et al., 2011
Agrostis stolonifera 500 AP, NU H2S in hydroponic culture Van Diggelen et al., 1987
Halimione portulacoides 500 AP, NU H2S in hydroponic culture Van Diggelen et al., 1987
Salicomia dolichostachya >500 AP H2S in hydroponic culture Van Diggelen et al., 1987
Salicomia brachystachya >500 AP H2S in hydroponic culture Van Diggelen et al., 1987
Spartina alterniflora 1000 AP Field observation King et al., 1982
Spartina alterniflora 1130 AP, RD H2S in hydroponic culture Koch and Mendelssohn, 1989
Spartina alterniflora 2000–3000 AP, RA, NU H2S in hydroponic culture Koch et al., 1990
Spartina alterniflora 8000 AP Field observation Lee, 1999
Spartina anglica 500 AP H2S in hydroponic culture Van Diggelen et al., 1987
Avicennia marina (sl) 500–1000 AP, RP H2S inject. microcosm sediment McKee, 1993
Avicennia marina >4000 AP Field observation McKee, 1993
Rhizophora mangle (sl) >1000 AP H2S inject. microcosm sediment McKee, 1993
Rhizophora mangle >1000 AP Field observation McKee, 1993
Ceratophyllum demersum >500 AP SO4 addition mesocosms Geurts et al., 2009
Elodea nutallii 100 AP SO4 addition enclosures Van der Welle et al., 2007a
Elodea nutallii 150–500 AP SO4 addition mesocosms Geurts et al., 2009
Hydrilla verticulata 100 NP H2S in root hydroponic culture Wu et al., 2009
Nitella flexilis 50 AP H2S injection aquarium sediment Van der Welle et al., 2006
Potamogeton compressus 150–500 AP SO4 addition mesocosms Geurts et al., 2009
Statiotes aloides 10–100 RD H2S in root hydroponic culture Smolders and Roelofs, 1996
Stratiotes aloides 100–600 AP SO4 addition enclosures Van der Welle et al., 2007a
Stratiotes aloides 500 AP SO4 addition mesocosms Geurts et al., 2009
Calamagrostis epigejos (sl) 30–50 AP Natural production in microcosm Grootjans et al., 1997
Calla palustris 150 AP SO4 addition mesocosms Geurts et al., 2009
Caltha palustris 170 AP, Y H2S injection microcosm sed. Van der Welle et al., 2007b
Carex disticha 10–20 AP SO4 addition mesocosms Lamers et al., 1998
Carex disticha 25 LC, RD H2S injection microcosm sed. Lamers, 2001
Carex nigra 10–20 AP SO4 addition mesocosms Lamers et al., 1998
Cladium jamaicense 220/690/920 LE/NP/AD, RD H2S in hydroponic culture Li et al., 2009
Equisetum fluviatile 50/500 AP (unfertilized/fertilized) SO4 addition mesocosms Geurts et al., 2009
Juncus acutiflorus 25/250 RD/AP H2S injection microcosm sed. Lamers, 2001
Juncus alpinoarticulatus (sl) 30–50 AP Natural production in microcosm Grootjans et al., 1997
Juncus effusus 500 AP SO4 addition mesocosms Geurts et al., 2009
Menyanthes trifoliata 150/>150 AP (unfertilized/fertilized) SO4 addition mesocosms Geurts et al., 2009
Menyanthes trifoliata >235 AP Field observation Armstrong and Boatman, 1967
Panicum hemitomon 630 AP, RD H2S in hydroponic culture Koch and Mendelssohn, 1989
Panicum hemitomon 1000 AP, RA, NU H2S in hydroponic culture Koch et al., 1990
Phragmites australis 1400 AD, SR, B H2S in hydroponic culture Armstrong et al., 1996
Phragmites australis 1500 AP SO4 + C addition mesocosms Howes et al., 2005
Phragmites australis 400 AP Field observation Chambers, 1997
Oryza sativa 170 RP, B, RO, NU(Fe), WU H2S in anaerobic agar Armstrong and Armstrong, 2005
Oryza sativa 160–310 AP H2S in hydroponic culture Tanaka et al., 1968
Oryza sativa 30 AP H2S in hydroponic culture Hollis et al., 1972
Oryza sativa (sl) 10–60 NU (acute), RO H2S in hydroponic culture Joshi et al., 1975
Ranunculus lingua 500 AP SO4 addition mesocosms Geurts et al., 2009
Sphagnum cuspidatum 60 AD SO4 addition mesocosms Lamers et al., 1999
Thelypteris palustris 150 AP SO4 addition mesocosms Geurts et al., 2009
Typha domingensis 920 LE, NP, AD, RD H2S in hydroponic culture Li et al., 2009

Concentrations are in μmol L−1, (sl), seedling. Observations: AP, decreased aboveground productivity; AD, aboveground die-off; B, blockage of gas pathways and vascular blockage; LC, leaf chlorosis; LE, decreased leaf elongation rate; NP, decreased net photosynthetic rate; NU, decreased nutrient uptake; RD, root (and rhizome) die-off; RO, decreased radial oxygen loss; RA, decreased root ADH activity; RP, decreased belowground production; SR, stunted roots; WU, reduced water uptake; Y, decreased photosynthetic yield (PAM fluorescence).