Meth decreases GPx protein in a concentration-dependent manner. A. In undifferentiated cells (left), GPx1 levels did not change with Meth. However, in differentiated cells (right), increasing Meth results in decreased GPx1 protein expression whereas in undifferentiated cells, GPx1 protein expression remained unchanged. Above blot shows representatives of three samples for each Meth concentration. B. Meth also decreases GPx4 in differentiated cells (right) but unchanged in undifferentiated cells (left). C. Meth (50 and 100 μM) decreased cell viability after 48 hrs measured with an MTS cell proliferation assay. Bars show mean ± SEM for three replicate cultures per condition. *indicates p<0.05, ** indicates p<0.01(One-Way ANOVA with Bonferoni’s posthoc test).