Figure 3.
Results obtained with frontal and temporal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) in language tasks in aphasic patients. (A) Cathodal tDCS over the left frontotemporal area significantly improved accuracy in the picture naming task in eight aphasic patients. Y axis: naming accuracy expressed by percentage variation from baseline. **Significant difference error bars are standard error of the mean (SEM). AtDCS, anodal tDCS; CtDCS, cathodal tDCS; StDCS, sham tDCS (from Monti et al,52 with permission). (B) Anodal tDCS applied over the right inferior frontal gyrus significantly decreased the total duration of utterances, the language variable that signifies an improvement in verbal fluency, in six patients with Broca's aphasia. Error bars are SEM (from Vines et al,58 with permission). (C) Cathodal tDCS over the right superior temporal gyrus significantly improved auditory-verbal comprehension in 21 patients. Y axis: auditory-verbal comprehension least squares means scores. *Significance difference error bars are the interval of confidence (CI). AVC, auditory verbal comprehension; LS, least squares (from You et al,61 with permission).