Parameter estimates for the main effect of hand grip plotted against age2 for (A) contralateral M1 (dominant hand: x = −34, y = −30, z = 56), (B) ipsilateral M1 (dominant hand: x = 46, y = −22, z = 56), (C) contralateral (left) inferior M1 (dominant hand: x = −34, y = −8, z = 42), (D) contralateral M1 (non-dominant hand: x = 38, y = −26, z = 52), (E) ipsilateral M1 (non-dominant hand: x = −28, y = −30, z = 60), and (F) ipsilateral (left) inferior M1 (non-dominant hand: x = −32, y = −10, z = 42). The correlation coefficient r and the corresponding P-value are given for each plot. The parameter estimates are calculated for single peak voxels within each region.