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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Jul 22.
Published in final edited form as: Brain. 2003 Apr;126(0 4):873–888. doi: 10.1093/brain/awg071

Table 1.

Main effects of hand grip

Region Dominant hand
Non-dominant hand
Side Talairach
coordinates in MNI
Z-value Side Talairach
coordinates in MNI
x y z x y z
Central sulcus CL −34 −30 56 7.38 CL 38 −26 52 7.1
CL −30 −30 66 6.4
Postcentral gyrus CL −52 −24 32 6.32 CL 54 −18 50 6.46
CL −54 −18 26 6.37 CL 48 −26 58 6.31
Postcentral sulcus CL −50 −22 50 6.61 CL 54 −20 38 5.7
Precentral gyrus (BA 4/6) CL 36 −22 64 7.31
PMd CL −34 −6 58 6.33 CL 42 −10 54 5.87
CL −24 −12 66 6.11 IL −38 −4 52 5.76
IL 28 0 54 5.94
IL 40 2 60 5.15
Caudal PMv CL −54 6 6 5.85 IL −54 6 6 5.05
IL 50 6 28 6.6 IL −58 10 26 5.34
Rostral PMv (BA 44) CL −56 6 14 5.2 CL 62 16 12 6.95
IL 58 16 12 5.74 IL −58 6 4 5.05
Rostral cingulate sulcus CL −10 10 40 6.72
IL 2 2 50 6.48
Caudal cingulate sulcus CL −6 −4 54 6.39 IL −10 −6 62 5.67
SMA CL −8 −4 64 6.16 CL 8 −2 68 6.31
Pre-SMA IL 10 2 66 6.61 CL 8 4 58 6.28
Insula cortex CL −38 2 −2 6.3 CL 40 4 2 6.25
CL −40 14 −4 5.53 CL 50 14 −8 5.85
IL 40 8 −4 6.54 IL −36 12 −2 6.07
IL 44 2 10 5.55 IL −38 4 0 6.06
Supramarginal gyrus CL −44 −36 24 6.12 IL −52 −26 36 5.65
IL 52 −36 44 5.98
Intraparietal sulcus IL 48 −38 52 6.15 CL 30 −78 26 5.47
IL 28 −76 26 5.96 IL −32 −52 54 6.35
Superior parietal cortex CL −30 −54 58 6.05
Parietal operculum CL −46 −26 16 5.88 CL 56 −18 22 6.16
Frontal operculum CL −46 0 6 6
Superior temporal gyrus CL −48 8 −10 5.72 CL 64 −30 20 5.48
Putamen CL −22 −4 2 6.3 CL 28 4 −2 6.14
IL −22 0 6 5.49
Ventrolateral thalamus CL −14 −16 2 6.05
IL 16 −10 12 5.87
Posterior lateral thalamus CL 18 −18 14 5.48
Red nucleus CL −12 −14 −6 6.06
Cerebellum (V) IL 20 −50 −20 >8.0 IL −14 −50 −22 7.83
Cerebellum (VI) IL 38 −50 −32 6.57 IL −12 −70 −22 6.09
Cerebellum (VI) CL −30 −54 −30 7.05 CL 28 −66 −24 6.88
Cerebellum (VI) CL −28 −66 −20 6.68 CL 34 −58 −26 6.31
Cerebellum (CrI) CL −36 −44 −40 5.42 IL −46 −58 −34 6
CL 46 −56 −30 5.66
Cerebellum (VIIIA) CL −20 −68 −46 6.95 CL 12 −72 −42 5.36
Cerebellum (IX) IL 12 −60 −48 7.65 IL −14 −56 −48 7.2
Cerebellar vermis (V) M 6 −54 −18 7.51
Cerebellar vermis (VI) M 6 −66 −20 7.05 M −4 −68 −24 6.88
Cerebellar vermis (VIIIB) M −4 −70 −36 6.42

Location of brain regions demonstrating significant activations for single handgrip compared with rest are given as MNI coordinates (x, y, z) in Talairach space. All voxels are significant at a threshold of P < 0.05, corrected for multiple comparisons across whole brain. MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute; SMA = supplementary motor area; PMd = dorsal lateral premotor cortex; PMv = ventral lateral premotor cortex; BA = Brodmann area; CL = contralateral; IL = ipsilateral; M = midline.