Figure 1.
A, Venn diagram showing the heterogeneity in expression of GAD65, GAD67, and TH. Sphere area is proportional of the number of cells of each chemotype (∼300,000 GAD65+ cells, GAD67+ cells, and TH+ cells). B, Schematic showing the relationship between different PG/SA chemotype, morphotype, and synaptotypes. GABAergic (GAD65+) cells are functionally uniglomerular with 30% of cells receiving input via an ON→PG circuit (ONd) and the remaining 70% via an ON→ET→PG circuit (ETd). DAergic/GABAergic (GAD67+) cells exhibit oligoglomerular (contacting up to 15 glomeruli) and polyglomerular (contacting upwards of 30 glomeruli) morphotypes. Oligoglomerular cells are similar to GAD65+ cells with 30% of cells receiving input via an ON→PG circuit and 70% via an ON→ET→PG circuit. All polyglomerular cells receive input via the ON→ET→PG circuit.