Summary of differential c-Fos expression effects. Good avoider values were normalized using Poor avoider group means and effects are expressed as a percentage of Poor avoiders (mean ± SEM). Differential c-Fos expression in all 20 brain regions examined, rank ordered by effect magnitude. Bar shading indicates statistical significance of c-Fos expression differences (Good vs. Poor avoiders), and correlations between c-Fos expression and behavior (see Key). The absence of differential expression is indicated by the dashed line at 100%. (CE) Central amygdala, (BA) basal amygdala, (LA) lateral amygdala, (ME) medial amygdala, (AB) accessory basal amygdala, (CO) cortical amygdala, (IL) infralimbic prefrontal cortex, (PL) prelimbic prefrontal cortex, (PAG) periacqueductal gray, (DMS) dorsomedial striatum, (DLS) dorsolateral striatum, (NAC) nucleus accumbens, (CA1) hippocampal CA1 area, (A) anterior, (P) posterior, (D) dorsal, (V) ventral, (M) medial, (L) lateral, (C) core, (S) shell. Error bars = SEM.