Figure 6.
Changes in Ucn 2-IR and CRF-R2-IR in TNBS colitis. A. Ucn 2-IR and CRF-R2-IR under basal conditions at 400× magnification. B. Ucn 2-IR and CRF-R2-IR in TNBS colitis at 3 days at 600× magnification. The expression pattern in untreated animals is similar to that of vehicle control tissue, with clear Ucn 2-IR in the epithelial cells, the submucosal plexuses (not shown), and myenteric plexuses. Occasional lamina propria cells and infiltrated immune cells show Ucn 2-IR as well. CRF-R2-IR is seen predominantly in the neuronal plexuses, with scattered macrophages showing CRF-R2-IR as well. In TNBS colitis tissue, Ucn 2-IR in intrinsic colonic cells are unchanged, while large numbers of infiltrated immune cells show Ucn 2-IR. Both Ucn 2-IR and CRF-R2-IR in myenteric plexuses appear decreased in TNBS colitis, compared to basal tissue. Key: C – crypt, MP – myenteric plexus. Arrowheads indicate infiltrated immune cells. For reproduction in color on the Web and in print.