Figure 5.
m23-β1AR is more often in the inactive state as defined by distance distributions for inter-residue contacts related to receptor activation. The population of distances measured between specific atoms plotted; m23-β1AR, red; wt-β1AR, blue. Distances for the inactive state (black dashed line) were defined from the crystal structure of m23-β1AR (PDB ID: 2Y04 and the active state distance was estimated as the corresponding distance in the β2AR-Gs bound crystal (PDB ID: 3SN6 (green dashed line) A. Distance between Cγ atoms of Y3437.53 -F349H8; B. Minimum distance between R1393.50 -E2656.30 i.e. the ‘ionic lock’ at the intracellular end of TM3 and TM6. C. Oγ on S2125.43 – Nδ on N3106.55.