Table 1.
Character- istic Study ID |
Interven- tion(s) & control(s) |
[n] screened |
[n] ran- domized |
[n] safety | [n] ITT | [n] finish- ing study |
[%] of ran- dom- ized partici- pants finishing study |
Comments |
Agrawal 2002 | I: Inolter® C: Placebo |
I: - C: - T: 90 |
I: 30 C: 30 T: 60 |
I: 30 C: 30 T: 60 |
I: 30 C: 30 T: 60 |
I: 30 C: 30 T: 60 |
100% | |
Dubey 1993 | I: Diabecon ® (D-400) C: Placebo |
I: 14 C: 14 T: 28 |
I: 14 C: 14 T: 28 |
I: 14 C: 14 T: 28 |
I: 14 C: 14 T: 28 |
I: 14 C: 14 T: 28 |
100% | no with- drawals re- ported |
Elder 2006 | I: MA471 (mixture of herbs) + meditation, diet, exercise C: Usual care + diabetes ed- ucation |
I: - C: - T: 89 |
I: 30 C: 30 T: 60 |
I: 27 C: 28 T: 55 |
I: 26 C: 28 T: 54 |
I: 26 C: 28 T: 54 |
90% | 3 participants in Vedic and 2 in control groups with- drew due to time con- straints, 1 in Vedic group did not complete 6 month fol- low-up |
Hsia 2004 | I: Pancreas tonic (herbal mixture) C: Placebo |
I: - C: - T: 63 |
I: 31 C: 16 T: 47 |
- | I: 23 C: 13 T: 36 |
I: 23 C: 13 T: 36 |
76.6% | 1 in placebo and 4 in treatment group with- drawn due to non-com- pliance, oth- erswithdrew mainly due to inconve- nience |
Mohan 1998 | I: Diabecon ® (D-400) C: Placebo |
I: 20 C: 20 T: 40 |
I: 20 C: 20 T: 40 |
I: 19 C: 18 T: 37 |
- | I: 17 C: 15 T: 32 |
80% | 8 withdrew - 2 in placebo and 1 in treatment group due to non-com- pliance, 2 in treatment group due to gastritis and skin rashes, 3 in placebo group due to uncon- trolled dia- betes |
Poongothai 2002 | I: Hyponidd ® C: Placebo |
I: 20 C: 20 T: 40 |
I: 20 C: 20 T: 40 |
I: - C: - T: 35 |
I: 16 C:16 T: 32 |
I: 16 C: 16 T: 32 |
80% | 8 with- drawals - 5 due to non- compliance, 2 had severe hypergly- caemia and 1 due to el- evated liver enzymes |
Shekhar 2002 | I: Cogent db ® C: Usual care (antidi- abetic drugs) |
I: 39 C: 40 T: 79 |
I: 39 C: 40 T: 79 |
I: 30 C: 30 T: 60 |
I: 30 C:30 T: 60 |
I: 30 C: 30 T: 60 |
75.9% | 19 with- drawals - 4 due to non-com- pliance with medication, 15 due to with- drawn con- sent |
Total |
I: 184
C: 170 T: 354 |
I: 156
C: 146 T: 302 |
“-” denotes not reported
C: control; I: intervention; ITT: intention-to-treat; T: Total