Study ID Characteris- tic |
Agrawal 2002 | Dubey 1993 | Elder 2006 | Hsia 2004 | Mohan 1998 | Poongothai 2002 | Shekhar 2002 |
Interven- tion(s) & con- trol(s) |
I: Inolter® C: Placebo |
I: Diabecon® (D-400) C: Placebo |
I: MA471 (mix- ture of herbs) , meditation, diet, exercise C: None (usual care only) |
I: Pancreas tonic C: Placebo |
I: Diabecon® (D-400) C: Placebo |
I: Hyponidd® C: Placebo |
I: Cogent DB ® C: No additional treatment |
Participating population |
Newly diag- nosed patients with type 2 di- abetes |
Adults with persis- tent postpran- dial hypergly- caemia |
Newly diag- nosed people with presymp- tomatic type 2 diabetes |
Adults with type 2 di- abetes |
Adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus |
Adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus |
Adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus |
Country / Lo- cation |
India | India | USA | USA | India | India | Malaysia |
Sex [female%] | I: 27 C: 20 |
- | I: 50 C: 67 |
I: 74 C: 69 |
- | I: 38 C: 31 |
I: 41 C: 27 |
Age [mean years (SD)] |
I: 45 (11.2) C: 47.2 (2.1) |
More than 30 | I: 53.7 (8.4) C: 53.3 (12) |
I: 47.6 (11.5) C: 47.4 (7.0) |
More than 30 | I: 53 (9) C: 54 (10) |
I: 44 (9.9) C: 35 (9.8) |
Duration of disease [mean years (SD)] |
Newly diagnosed |
- | Newly diagnosed |
I: 3.9 (3.2) C: 4.3 (3.1) |
10-15 years | - | I: 8.9 (2.3) C: 9.1 (2.6) |
Ethnic groups [%] |
Asian Indians | Asian Indians | Ameri- cans (ethnicity not reported) |
Ameri- cans(ethnicity not reported) |
Asian Indians | Asian Indians | I: Indians 69. 2%; Malay/ Chinese 30. 8% C: Indians 55%, Malay/ Chinese 45% |
Duration of intervention |
3 months | 6 months | 6 months | 3 months | 6 months | 12 weeks | 3 months |
“-” denotes not reported
C: control; F: female; I: intervention; M: male