Table 2. Environmental variables, and their percentage contribution, included in the final MaxEnt niche model for predicted distribution of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in South Africa.
Key | Variable | Contribution to final model (%) |
BIO2 | Mean Diurnal Range (Mean of monthly (max temp – min temp) | 5.3 |
BIO9 | Mean Temperature of Driest Quarter (°C) | 6.4 |
BIO10 | Mean Temperature of Warmest Quarter (°C) | 3.7 |
BIO11 | Mean Temperature of Coldest Quarter (°C) | 11.8 |
BIO15 | Precipitation Seasonality (Coefficient of Variation) | 5.2 |
BIO16 | Precipitation of Wettest Quarter (mm) | 8.5 |
BIO19 | Precipitation of Coldest Quarter (mm) | 9 |
Topo | Topography | 19.6 |
dist to water | Distance to water | 16.8 |
Biomes | Biomes | 5.1 |
Slope | Slope | 3 |
Aspect | Aspect | 5.5 |