Figure 1.
Color-coded statistical mapping of positions of 15 loci along chromosome XII. (A) Schematic representation of chromosome XII with the 15 FROS-labeled loci. Note that the rDNA of 1.8 Mb is depicted as a 1-Mb segment. Loci studied by particle tracking are marked with asterisks. (B) Spatial distributions of each locus are represented using gene maps, color-coded heat maps determined by the percentile of the distribution (Berger et al., 2008; Therizols et al., 2010). (top) The dashed yellow circle, the red circle, and the small red dot depict the median NE, the median NUC, and the median location of the nucleolar center, respectively. (bottom) The gene maps are represented with the genomic position indicated on top (N represents the number of nuclei analyzed). Note that the position along the genome of the three rDNA loci has been determined by I-SceI cleavage. The data shown are from a single representative experiment out of three repeats.