Study sample details
Germany | Iceland | Italy | Poland | The Netherlands | UK | |
Setting | Public schools, 4 school types: Gymnasium, Gemeinschaftsschule, Regional schule, Hauptschule | Public schools | Public schools, 2nd class of secondary school and 1st class of high school | Public schools, 1 school type (Gymnasium) | Public schools, 4 different school types: VMBO, HAVO, Atheneum, Gymnasium | Mainstream (state-funded) schools |
Locations | Schleswig-Holstein, Germany District of Kiel, Flensburg, Schleswig-Flensburg, and Rendsburg-Eckernförde | Schools from each region (north, south, east and west) of Iceland in addition to the capital area (Reykjavík and surrounding municipalities) | Piedmont region, Italy schools with head office in Turin and Novara provinces | Wielkopolska region | Gelderland, Limburg, Brabant | Central belt of Scotland |
Time of data assessment | Nov–Dec 2009 | Jan–Feb 2010 | March–June 2010 | April–June 2010 | Dec 2009–June 2010 | Jan–Mar 2010 |
Eligibility criteria for schools | Location Number of classes >8 No special pedagogic education centre No participation in other studies of IFT-Nord | Number of participating students >100 | Location in Turin and Novara provinces | Location in Wielkopolska region No special pedagogic education centre | No special pedagogic education centre No current participation in other studies of the Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University | Location in either Midlothian or East Dumbartonshire Not providing special education Not providing private (non-state-funded) education |
No. of schools potentially eligible | n=104 | Not known | n=578 | n=253 | Not known | n=14 |
No. of schools invited | n=60 | n=23 | n=31 | n=253 | n=43 | n=7 |
Invitation criteria for schools | Random | Convenience sampling | Convenience sampling | All eligible schools | Random | Selected on the basis of deprivation, based on the most recent (2007–2008) nationally available data relating to the proportion of free school meals |
No. of schools that agreed to participate | n=21 | n=20 | n=26 | n=35 | n=5 | N=7 |
Eligibility criteria for students | Active (`opt-in') parental consent Presence on the day of assessment or, if absent, willing to complete a questionnaire and return by post Willingness to participate | Passive (`opt-out') parental consent Students' presence on the day of assessment Willingness to participate | Active or passive parental consent Willingness to participate or, if absent, willing to complete a questionnaire and return by post | Active (`opt-in') parental consent Presence on the day of assessment Willingness to participate | Passive parental consent Presence on the day of assessment Willingness to participate | Passive (`opt-out') parental consent Presence on the day of assessment or, if absent, willing to complete a questionnaire and return by post Willingness to participate |
No. of students examined for eligibility | n=3544 | n=2798 | n=2953 | n=5078 | n=1706 | n=3189 |
Confirmed eligibility | n=2754 | n=2662 | n=2668 | n=4105 | n=1423 | n=2937 |
Reasons for non-participation | No parental consent (n=515) Absence (n=264) Refusal (n=11) | No parental consent (n=19) Absence (n=104) Refusal (n=13) | No parental consent (n=100) Absence (n=175) Refusal (n=10) | No parental consent (n=396) Absence (n=527) Refusal (n=50) | No parental consent (n=18) Absence (n=265) Refusal (n=0) | No parental consent (n=11) Absence (n=226) Refusal (n=15) |
Participated in the study | n=2754 | n=2662 | n=2668 | n=4105 | n=1423 | n=2937 |
Analysed | n=2754 | n=2662 | n=2668 | n=4105 | n=1423 | n=2937 |
Response rate | 78% | 95% | 90% | 81% | 83% | 92% |