Fig. 2.
Microbotryum silenes-saxifragae sp. nov. on Silene saxifraga. A. The type locality at the Kanzianiberg, Austria. B. The clump of Silene saxifraga with infected flowers in the Botanical Garden of Tübingen, Germany. C–E. Infected inflorescences, with the fungus sporulating in the anthers in the Botanical Garden of Tübingen, Germany. F. Infected anther: an open pollen sac filled with teliospores seen at the foreground, made in SEM (KRAM F-49440). G. Teliospores inside the pollen sac and the anther’s epidermis, seen by SEM. (KRAM F-49440). Bars: C–E = 5 mm, F = 500 μm, G = 50 μm.