FeoC-dependent FeoB production enables Salmonella to take up Fe(II) under anaerobic conditions with low iron. 55Fe(II) uptake levels were determined in Salmonella strains that were grown aerobically (high O2) or anaerobically (low O2) in LB (high Fe) or LB containing 0.2 mM deferoxamine (low Fe). Bacterial strains used in the experiments were wild-type (WT, 14028s), feoB deletion (ΔfeoB, JH362), and feoC deletion (ΔfeoC, JH363) strains (A) and wild-type (WT, 14028s) and feoB deletion (ΔfeoB, JH362) strains and feoC deletion (ΔfeoC, JH363) and feoBC deletion (ΔfeoBC, HK715) strains carrying the empty plasmid vector pUHE21-2lacIq (pUHE) or FeoC-expression plasmid (plac-FeoC) (B). Values are the means and SD of three independent experiments.