Figure 6.
The localisation of mHong1 protein on spermatozoa by indirect immunofluorescence assays. (a) Immunolocalisation of mHong1 (FITC-labelled) on spermatozoa isolated from different epididymal regions. Cauda spermatozoa detected by pre-immune serum as negative control. Bars=10 µm. (b) mHong1 localisation on spermatozoa from the cauda epididymidis. (b1) Phase contrast view of spermatozoa in (b2). (b2) The immunofluorescence of mHong1 (FITC-labelled). (b3) Sperm nucleus detected by propidium iodide (PI). (b4) Merged micrograph of (b1) and (b2). (b5) Merged micrograph of (b1), (b2) and (b3). (b6) Phase contrast view of spermatozoa in (b7). (b7) Cauda spermatozoa detected by pre-immune serum as negative control. (b8) Sperm nucleus detected by propidium iodide (PI). (b9) Merged micrograph of (b6) and (b7). (b10) Merged micrograph of (b6), (b7) and (b8). Bars=50 µm. (c) mHong1 can be removed from cauda spermatozoa by washing with high-salt solution (HSS) but not phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Bars=10 µm.