Expression of tumor-associated genes and proteins in DU145 prostate cancer grafts treated with attenuated Salmonella carrying different treatment plasmids. (a) RT-PCR analyses for cleaved capase3, BcL-xL, c-Myc, Stat3, Cyclin D1 and VEGF expression in DU145 prostate cancer graft with attenuated Salmonella carrying different treatment plasmids. (b) Quantified mRNA levels in xenografts treated with recombinnant bacteria carrying various plasmids. (c) Western blot analyses for cleaved Capase3, BcL-xL, c-Myc, Stat3, Cyclin D1 and VEGF expression in DU145 prostate cancer grafts treated with attenuated Salmonella carrying different treatment plasmids; (d) Quantified protein levels in xenografts treated with recombinnant bacteria carrying various plasmids. Mean±s.e. (**P<0.01 versus mock; §P<0.05, §§P<0.01 versus psi-Scramble group; #P<0.05, # #
P<0.01 versus psi-Survivin; ‖‖P<0.05 versus pGRIM-19 group). BcL-XL, B-cell lymphoma xL; GRIM-19, gene associated with retinoid-interferon-induced mortality-19; RT-PCR, reverse transcription PCR; Stat3, signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor.