Figure 3. D466E Orco is activated more rapidly and is more sensitive to VUAA1 than WT Orco.
(A) Concentration-response curves for the effect of VUAA1 on WT, D466E, D466N, and D357N Orco as determined by Ca2+ imaging. The D466E variant is significantly more sensitive to VUAA1 (LogEC50 = −4.67±0.08) than WT DmelOrco (LogEC50 = −4.33±0.03) (*p<0.05, n = 3), and the D466N variant (LogEC50 = −4.07±0.05) is significantly less sensitive (**p<0.01, n = 3). The sensitivity of the D357N (LogEC50 = −4.42±0.11) variant does not differ significantly from WT. (B) Representative traces of evoked currents in FlpIn 293 TREX cells expressing WT, D466E, D357N and D466N DmelOrco to 10, 31.6 and 100 µM VUAA1.