Figure 2e:
In vivo MGd and trypan blue infusion into the coronary artery walls. (a) With radiographic guidance, the infusion balloon catheter is placed into the left anterior descending coronary artery. Note the two markers of the balloon (arrows). (b) A 3.0-T MR coronary angiogram shows targeted left anterior descending segment, from which axial MR images are acquired. (c, d) Axial coronary artery wall MR images obtained (c) before and (d) after contrast agent infusion show the artery wall (arrow). Note enhancement in d. (e–h) Histologic analysis enabled us to confirm (e) blue dye deposit and (f) MGd-emitted red fluorescent spots through the target coronary artery walls, which were not seen in (g, h) control artery walls. Arrows = intima.