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. 2010 Feb;21(1):32–36.

Table 2. Anthropometric Measurements Of The Face.

Description Median 25th % 75th % 95% CI
Skull-base width (t-t) –1.6 –2.9 –0.5 (–2.5; –1.1)
Height of forehead (tr-n) –1.0 –1.7 0.4 (–1.3; –0.2)
Height of mid-face (n-sto) 1.0 –0.5 3.3 (0.0; 2.5)
Width of face (zy-zy) –1.4 –2.2 0.1 (–2.1; –0.5)
Width of mandible (go-go) 0.8 –0.6 1.9 (–2.3; 1.3)
Intercanthal width (en-en) –0.5 –1.7 1.0 (–1.2; 0.6)
Bi-occular width (ex-ex) –0.2 –0.9 1.9 (–2.3; 1.3)
Width of nose (al-al) 0.7 –1.2 2.0 (–0.4; 1.3)
Height of nose (n-sn) 1.0 0.0 2.6 (0.5; 2.4)
Nasal tip protrusion (sn-prn) –0.7 –2.3 0.6 (–2.1; 0.4)
Width of columella (sn’-sn’) 0.5 –1.0 2.1 (–0.2; 1.9)
Length of ala (ac-prn) –0.8 –2.5 0.8 (–1.9; 1.0)
Width of mouth (ch-ch) –1.2 –2.3 –0.3 (–1.8; –0.3)
Vermilion height of lower lip (sto-li) 1.1 –0.7 2.2 (0.1; 1.6)
Width of auricle (pra-pa)* –2.4 –3.4 –1.4 (–3.3; –1.7)
Height of ear (sa-sba)* –3.3 –4.8 –2.6 (–4.5; –2.9)

*The width and height of ears reflects the average of both ears.