Class I: Prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trial with masked outcome assessment, in a representative population. The following are required:
primary outcome(s) is/are clearly defined
exclusion/inclusion criteria are clearly defined
adequate accounting for drop-outs and cross-overs with numbers sufficiently low to have minimal potential for bias
relevant baseline characteristics are presented and substantially equivalent among treatment groups or there is appropriate statistical adjustment for differences
Class II: Prospective matched group cohort study in a representative population with masked outcome assessment that meets a-d above OR a RCT in a representative population that lacks one criteria a-d. |
Class III: All other controlled trials (including well-defined natural history controls or patients serving as own controls) in a representative population, where outcome is independently assessed, or independently derived by objective outcome measurement. |
Class IV: Evidence from uncontrolled studies, case series, case reports, or expert opinion |