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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Jul 24.
Published in final edited form as: J Am Diet Assoc. 2009 Jul;109(7):1194–1203. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2009.04.004

Table 1. The number and adjusted a percentage of low energy reporters (LERs) and non-low energy reporters (non-LERs), by sex, who reported consuming the listed food groups on the food frequency questionnaire: the Observing Protein and Energy Nutrition (OPEN) Study.

Women Men
LER (n =100) non-LER (n=102) LER (n=120) non-LER (n118)
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
1. Yeast bread 100 (100%) 102 (100%) 120 (100%) 118 (100%)
2. Crackers 93 (93.0%) 100 (98.0%) 111 (92.4%) 112 (95.3%)
3. Muffins/biscuits 95 (95.0%) 102 (100%) 116 (96.8%) 112 (94.8%)
4. Pancakes/waffles/French toast 85 (84.5%) 96 (94.4%) 113 (94.2%) 113 (95.7%)
5. Cooked cereal 80 (80.0%) 72 (70.6%) 79 (66.4%) 79 (66.5%)
6. Ready-to-eat cereal 97 (97.1%) 94 (91.9%) 107 (89.0%) 105 (90.1%)
7. Rice/other cooked grains/mixtures 97 (97.0%) 101 (99.0%) 115 (95.8%) 118 (100%)
8. Pasta/pasta mixtures 99 (99.0%) 102 (100%) 119 (99.2%) 118 (100%)
9. Pizza 96 (95.8%) 99 (97.4%) 117 (97.5%) 112 (95.3%)
10. Doughnuts/sweet rolls 84 (83.7%) 92 (90.4%) 110 (91.6%) 111 (94.1%)
11. Cookies/brownies 98 (98.0%) 101 (99.0%) 115 (95.8%) 115 (97.5%)
12. Cake/pie 100 (100%) 101 (99.0%) 120 (100%) 117 (99.2%)
13. Chips/popcorn/pretzels 99 (99.0%) 101 (99.0%) 119 (99.2%) 118 (100%)
14. Fruit juice 98 (98.0%) 101 (99.0%) 116 (96.7%) 115 (97.5%)
15. Fruit 100 (100%) 102 (100%) 120 (100%) 118 (100%)
16. White Potatoes 100 (100%) 102 (100%) 119 (99.2%) 118 (100%)
17. Green Salad 98 (98.0%) 101 (99.0%) 117 (97.5%) 117 (99.2%)
18. Other vegetables 100 (100%) 102 (100%) 120 (100%) 118 (100%)
19. Milk on cereal 88 (88.2%) 85 (83.1%) 100 (83.0%) 101 (87.0%)
20. Milk in coffee or tea 53 (52.5%) 52 (51.4%) 61 (50.7%) 55 (46.7%)
21. Milk as beverage 64 (63.3%) 72 (71.2%) 82 (67.8%) 78 (66.8%)
22. Cheese 97 (97.0%) 100 (98.0%) 115 (95.8%) 112 (94.9%)
23. Yogurt 79 (78.8%) 85 (83.5%) 76 (64.3%) 82 (68.9%)
24. Meat/fish/poultry 100 (100%) 102 (100%) 120 (100%) 116 (98.3%)
25. Eggs/excluding mixtures 90 (89.5%) 93 (91.8%) 108 (89.9%) 102 (86.7%)
26. Meat/fish/poultry/egg sandwich/mixtures 100 (100%) 101 (99.0%) 120 (100%) 118 (100%)
27. Beer 45 (43.0%) 43 (44.0%) 84 (69.4%) 92 (78.9%)
28. Wine 66 (64.5%) 75 (75.2%) 81 (68.7%) 89 (74.9%)
29. Liquor 41 (40.2%) 53 (52.7%) 72 (59.4%) 74 (63.4%)
30. Coffee/tea 94 (94.6%) 100 (97.9%) 115 (95.8%) 113 (96.0%)
31. Soft drinks/regular b 66 (64.3%) 84 (83.8%) * 107 (89.0%) 98 (84.0%)
32. Soft drinks/diet 65 (65.4%) 43 (41.7%) * 63 (51.8%) 47 (40.5%)
33. Candy 98 (98.0%) 102 (100%) 118 (98.3%) 116 (98.3%)
34. Sweets/spreads/syrups 97 (97.0%) 100 (98.0%) 119 (99.2%) 116 (98.3%)
35. Fat-type spreads 97 (97.0%) 101 (99.0%) 115 (95.8%) 116 (98.4%)
36. Cream/creamer/liquid 27 (24.4%) 25 (26.0%) 30 (24.4%) 32 (27.6%)
37. Cream/creamer/not whipped 50 (52.0%) 44 (41.1%) 50 (40.1%) 53 (46.3%)
38. Dressing/not mayo-type 96 (95.8%) 98 (96.3%) 116 (96.7%) 112 (95.7%)
39. Mayo-type dressing 93 (92.6%) 97 (95.6%) 107 (89.0%) 105 (89.2%)
40. Soups 99 (99.0%) 98 (96.1%) 119 (99.2%) 117 (99.2%)
41. Nuts/seeds 95 (94.8%) 101 (99.1%) 118 (98.3%) 117 (99.2%)
42. Frozen dairy dessert 96 (96.0%) 101 (99.0%) 117 (97.5%) 115 (97.5%)
43. Condiments 98 (98.0%) 102 (100%) 120 (100%) 117 (99.2%)

Percentages statistically significantly different p ≤ 0.01.


Percentages adjusted for individual doubly labeled water using logistic regression except for the following foods when close to 100% of the LERs or non-LERs reported consuming a food: in both men and women (yeast bread, rice/other cooked grains/mixtures, pasta/pasta mixtures, cookies/brownies, cake/pie, chips/popcorn/pretzels, fruit juice, fruit, white potatoes, green salad, other vegetables, cheese, meat/fish/poultry, meat/fish/poultry/egg sandwich/mixtures, candy, sweets/spreads/syrups, soups, condiments), women alone (crackers, muffins/biscuits, fat-type spreads, frozen dairy dessert), in men alone (nuts/seeds)


Significant interaction between LER status and sex (p ≤ 0.05).