Figure 4. Functional consequence of ablating GM-CSF on growth of KrasG12D- PDEC in vivo.
(A) Gross anatomical view of scr- and GM-sh GFP-KrasG12D-PDEC grafts (top, dotted outlines and arrows) at 8 weeks post-implantation. Scale bar, 5mm. Quantification of the graft size at 8 weeks post-implantation (gray bars, left axis) and percentage of overall lesion frequency (black bars, right axis) is indicated in the graph. Error bars indicate SD, (n=3). Sections from pancreata containing scr- and GM-sh GFP-KrasG12D-PDEC orthotopic grafts at 4 weeks post-implantation were stained with H&E (bottom, lesions are delineated by dotted outlines). Scale bar, 500μm.
(B) Immunohistochemical staining for GFP on sections of scr- and GM-sh GFP-KrasG12D-PDEC orthotopic grafts at 1 and 2 weeks post-implantation. Red asterisks indicate engrafted area. Scale bar, 100μm. p value: *<0.05. See also Figure S3.