Gain scaling in single cortical neurons. A, Normalized STA current stimulus, P7 mouse cortical neuron. Separate STAs were calculated from four different stimulus SDs (relative σ = {1, 1.3, 2, 2.6}; firing rates R̄σ = {5.1, 6.9, 7.5, 10.0} Hz and spike counts n = {1900, 2600, 600, 800}). B, Unscaled input–output relations, Rσ[s]/R̄σ, for a P7 mouse cortical neuron calculated for different input σ. Shading is the same as in A. Dashed lines indicate the stimulus value at half-maximum. C, The same input–output relations as in B, scaled: x-axis ŝ ≡ s/σ, y-axis R̂σ[ŝ]. This neuron shows nearly perfect gain scaling.