Excitability and gain-scaling error in the GNa versus GK conductance plane. A, The biophysical model had three excitability regimes: silent, excitable, and spontaneously active (10,000 simulations, GNa and GK from 20 to 2000 pS/μm2, in increments of 20 pS/μm2). To test excitability for nonspontaneously active neurons, the SD σ of a 10 s Gaussian noise current was increased in 2 pA increments until noise-driven hyperpolarizing voltage excursions became negative to −100 mV (silent) or the neuron fired an action potential (excitable). For LN models (Fig. 7), we used a coarser grid of conductance parameters (100–2000 pS/μm2, in increments of 100 pS/μm2). B, Dσ was calculated for 148 model neurons with varying GNa and GK conductance values, stimulated with two stimulus SDs: σ1 = 1 and σ2 = 1.3 (Δσ = 30%). Warmer colors indicate larger gain-scaling error.