Figure 5.
CSAS mutations cause TS paralysis. TS-paralysis assays of flies with different combinations of CSAS alleles. CSASMi mutants have a slightly milder paralysis phenotype than CSAS21, which suggests that CSASMi is a strong hypomorphic mutation. At least 20 flies were assayed for each genotype. WT, Wild-type control; CSASMi/Mi, CSASMi homozygous mutant; CSAS21/21, CSAS21 homozygous mutant; CSASMi/21 and CSASMi/Df, heteroallelic CSAS mutants carrying combinations of CSAS mutant alleles; CSASR3/R3, homozygous for a revertant allele; CSAS+ CSASMi/Df, CSASMi/Df mutant rescued by transgenic expression of CSAS-FLAG. Statistical analysis was performed using one-way ANOVA followed by post hoc multiple-comparison Wilcoxon each pair test. *p < 0.05. Error bars represent SEM.