Table 5.
Efficacy outcomes from the double-blind period
Paliperidone |
p Value |
Efficacy measure | PP | ER | (paliperidone ER vs PP) |
PANSS total score |
n = 191 |
n = 104 |
Double-blind baseline mean (SD) |
50.8 (10.9) |
51.0 (11.4) |
LS mean (SE) change from baseline to end point |
2.5 (0.9) |
6.0 (1.3) |
0.025 |
PSP score |
n = 188 |
n = 103 |
Double-blind baseline mean (SD) |
72.7 (10.5) |
70.8 (10.9) |
LS mean (SE) change from baseline to end point |
−1.4 (0.8) |
−3.3 (1.1) |
0.156 |
CGI-S score |
n = 191 |
n = 104 |
Double-blind baseline mean (SD) |
2.6 (0.8) |
2.6 (0.8) |
LS mean (SE) change from baseline to end point | 0.2 (0.1) | 0.3 (0.1) | 0.095 |
CGI-S Clinical Global Impressions–Severity, ER extended release, LS least squares, PANSS Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, PP paliperidone palmitate, PSP Personal and Social Performance, SD standard deviation, SE standard error.