a) A 10% denaturing gel running in 1× TBE buffer at 55 °C. Lane 1 is the strands A and CS without UV exposure. Lane 2 contains the strands B and CS without UV exposure. Lane 3 contains the strands A, B, and CS without UV exposure. Lane 4 contains strands A and CS exposed to 350 nm UV light for 5 minutes. Lane 5 contains strand B and CS exposed to 350 nm UV light for 5 minutes. Lane 6 contains strands A, B, and CS exposed to 350 nm UV light for 5 minutes. Lane 7 contains strands A and CS exposed to 350 nm UV light for 15 minutes. Lane 8 contains strands B and CS exposed to 350 nm UV light for 15 minutes. Lane 9 contains strands A, B, and CS exposed to 350 nm UV light for 15 minutes. Lane 10 contains the 10 bp DNA Ladder.
b) Micrographs of the aggregation of DNA-coated one micron colloidal particles. Particles are aggregated at 30 °C for one hour, exposed to ∼360 nm UV light for 15 seconds, and then heated to 50 °C for 15 minutes. The left column contains complementary A particles and B particles with cinnamate. The right column contains A-P particles with cinnamate in non-complementary A strands.
c) Fraction of non-aggregated particles as a function of UV exposure time for A particles and B particles (red) and the A-P particles (black) with cross-linkers.