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. 2013 Jul 29;63(613):e543–e553. doi: 10.3399/bjgp13X670679

Table 5.

Prescription-level multivariable models of risks associated with prescribing or monitoring errors: unadjusted and adjusted for patient clustering

Factor Multivariable unadjusted model (model 5)a Multivariable adjusted model (model 6)b

Odds ratio 95% CI P-value Odds ratio 95% CI P-value
Medication on monitoring list 3.18 2.05 to 4.94 <0.001 3.63 2.65 to 4.98 <0.001

Repeat prescriptionc 1.25 0.91 to 1.72 0.168 0.98 0.73 to 1.31 0.903

  Eye/ear drops 1.43 0.39 to 5.23 0.586
  Inhalers 0.51 0.21 to 1.27 0.149
  Injections 0.41 0.06 to 3.07 0.387
  Liquid oral 1.08 0.60 to 1.95 0.794
  Rectal 1.93 0.24 to 15.42 0.535
  Topical 0.66 0.31 to 1.42 0.287

Prescriber typee
  Salaried GP 0.71 0.46 to 1.11 0.13 0.76 0.47 to 1.22 0.258
  Locum GP 1.16 0.60 to 2.28 0.655 1.23 0.60 to 2.54 0.576
  Training GP 1.42 0.67 to 3.01 0.353 1.66 0.74 to 3.72 0.218
  Non-medical prescriber 1.55 0.47 to 5.13 0.469 1.09 0.30 to 3.91 0.898
  Other/unknown 1.78 0.52 to 6.14 0.358 1.97 0.54 to 7.23 0.305

British National Formulary chapterf
  Cardiovascular system 2.37 1.03 to 5.45 0.042
  Respiratory system 2.26 0.83 to 6.17 0.11
  CNS 2.09 0.95 to 4.63 0.068
  Infections 2.67 1.17 to 6.11 0.02
  Endocrine 1.91 0.78 to 4.72 0.159
  Obstetrics, gynaecology, urinary tract disorders 1.41 0.41 to 4.80 0.584
  Malignant disease and immunosuppression 6.77 1.71 to 2 6.84 0.006
  Nutrition and blood 1.22 0.36 to 4.15 0.752
  Musculoskeletal 6.97 3.06 to 15.88 <0.001
  Eye 4.92 1.12 to 21.62 0.035
  Ear nose and oropharynx 4.60 1.29 to 16.42 0.019
  Skin 5.78 2.04 to 16.36 0.001
  Immunology and vaccines 5.91 0.60 to 58.00 0.127

Computer systemg
  EMIS PCS 1.06 0.79 to 1.42 0.706 1.13 0.80 to 1.60 0.501
  Isoft Premiere 0.68 0.46 to 1.01 0.055 0.64 0.40 to 1.01 0.058
  TPP 1.05 0.71 to 1.56 0.803 0.94 0.58 to 1.52 0.81

CNS = central nervous system.


Model unadjusted for clustering by patient.


Model adjusted for clustering by patient but formulation and chapter not included in the model due to non-convergence of model.


Acute prescriptions.


Solid oral medication (pessaries category omitted).


GP partner.


Gastrointestinal (anaesthesia chapter omitted).
