| |||||
RADARS PCC-2008 | TEXAS PCC-2008 | DAWN ED-2007 | NCHS DEATHS-2005 | RADARS DEATHS (2003–2008) |
methadone only (49%) alcohol (3%)† |
methadone only (55%) other benzodiazepines (12%) |
methadone only (38%) alcohol (3%) |
methadone only (31%) benzodiazepines (4%) |
methadone only (33%) alcohol (7%)† |
methadone only (31%) alprazolam (19%) |
amitriptyline | alprazolam (7%) | alprazolam (2%) | benzodiazepines + other drugs (4%) |
amitriptyline (8%)† | carisoprodol (6%) |
amphetamine | carisoprodol (2%) | carisoprodol | cocaine (13%) | atypical antipsychotics (9%)† |
cocaine (14%) |
anticonvulsants (2%)† | clonazepam (3%) | clonazepam | other opiates (3%) | benzodiazepines (52%)† | hydrocodone (15%) |
antihistamines | cocaine | cocaine (2%) | cocaine (7%)† | other benzodiazepines (17%) |
atypical antipsychotics (2%) |
diazepam (1%) | duloxetine | hydrocodone (7%)† | quetiapine (2%) | |
beta blockers | heroin | fluoxetine | other anticonvulsant (7%)† |
carisoprodol (2%)† | hydrocodone (5%) | heroin (3%) | other narcotic (8%)† |
cocaine (2%)† | marijuana | hydrocodone | SSRIs (8%)† | ||
cyclobenzaprine | MDMA | marijuana | |||
heroin | morphine (2%) | MDMA (ecstasy) | |||
hydrocodone (3%)† | olanzapine | methamphetamine | |||
marijuana | oxycodone | morphine | |||
morphine | PCP | narcotic analgesics | |||
other muscle relaxants |
pregabalin (2%) | olanzapine | |||
other antidepressants (1%)† |
promethazine | oxycodone (2%) | |||
other narcotics (3%)† |
quetiapine (2%) | quetiapine | |||
other sedative/ hypnotics |
trazodone | unspecified benzodiazepines |
oxycodone (3%)†
SSRIs (1%)† trazodone |
zolpidem | zolpidem |
| |||
RADARS® PCC-2008 | TEXAS PCC-2008 | DAWN ED-2007 Buprenorphine + Naloxone |
DAWN ED-2007 Buprenorphine Only |
buprenorphine only (59%) |
buprenorphine only (68%) |
buprenorphine + naloxone only (40%) |
alcohol |
alcohol (2%)† | other benzodiazepines (24%) |
alcohol | alprazolam |
acetaminophen | alprazolam (3%) | alprazolam | citalopram |
amphetamines | carisoprodol (3%) | buproprion | clonidine |
antianxiolytics/ antipsychotics |
diazepam (3%) | carisoprodol | cocaine |
anticonvulsants (2%)† | escitalopram | clonazepam | dextromethorphan + guaifenesin |
antidepressants (1%)† | hydrocodone | clonidine | heroin |
antihistamine | methadone | cocaine | hydrocodone |
atypical antipsychotics (2%)† |
quetiapine (1%) | cyclobenzaprine | marijuana |
benzodiazepines (7%)† | trazadone (3%) | fentanyl | methadone |
carisoprodol | heroin (6%) | morphine | |
clonidine | hydrocodone | olazapine | |
cocaine (1%)† | hydromorphone | other benzodiazepines | |
heroin | lithium | other narcotics | |
hydrocodone (2%)† | lorazepam | oxycodone | |
marijuana | marijuana | quetiapine | |
methadone (3%)† | methadone | tramadol | |
methylphenidate | modafinil | ziprasidone | |
other muscle r elaxants |
other benzodiazepines | ||
other/unknown narcotics (63%)† |
oxycodone | ||
other prescription or otc |
paroxetine | ||
oxycodone (1%)† | quetiapine | ||
SSRIs (1%)† | risperidone | ||
tramadol | sertaline | ||
trazodone | trazadone zolpidem |
Includes drug with or without acetaminophen. Drugs are listed using the terminology from each dataset. Those without percentage normally compose less than 1% of the drugs examined except for DAWN, where suppression rules prevented reporting actual percentages.
More than two substances may be involved; percentages may not equal 100%.