Figure 3.
AS-induced NMD predictions segregate patients from controls and post-treatment states. (A) Hierarchical classification of mixed early-advanced PD whole blood samples by SI values of the changed exon probe sets predicted to induce NMD change. Note that seven of the seventeen patients were mis-classified with the HC group. (B) Classification of advanced PD patients’ pre-DBS from matched HC based on the splicing-index (SI) values of those AS exons predicted to induce NMD in blood leukocyte samples. (C) HCL classification of patients’ post-DBS ON- stimulus and the same patients pre-DBS correctly classified pre- from post- states based on the SI values of the AS/NMD detections in the Stim-On state. Right: one patient pre-DBS was classified with post-treatment patients. (D) HCL classification of PD patients post-DBS following one hour OFF- as compared with ON- stimulus correctly classified all samples through SI analysis of NMD/AS genes by clinical state. Distance measure was correlation in all the classifications and distance measurement method was Euclidian. The color bars represent relative expression ratio (red-higher, blue-lower).