Table 1. The aboveground biomass (AGB), belowground biomass (BGB), total biomass (TB) and belowground to aboveground biomass ratio (B/A) among three grassland types in Inner Mongolia (mean ±1 SE).
Grasslandtype | n | AGB(g·m−2) | BGB(g·m−2) | TB(g·m−2) | B/A |
Meadowsteppe | 5 | 228.7(28.6)a | 2511.7(203.6)a | 2740.5(219.0)a | 11.4(1.2)a |
Typicalsteppe | 17 | 162.8(17.3)a | 1556.1(147.5)b | 1718.9(156.4)b | 10.8(1.2)a |
Desertsteppe | 4 | 28.5(7.3)b | 240.7(62.3)c | 269.2(67.5)c | 8.7(2.2)a |
Total | 26 | 154.8(17.1) | 1537.5(167.7) | 1692.3(164.2) | 10.6(0.8) |
Within the same columns, values with different superscripts letters (a, b, c) indicate significant difference (α <0.05) between grassland types.