Fig. 1.
HPLC-chromatograms of plant and endophytic fungal extracts exhibiting various peaks. a Chromatogram of the crude plant extract (Digitalislanata) indicating various peaks. Peak at the retention time of 3.790 min corresponds to digoxin. b Chromatogram of the accession DL-3 indicating various peaks. Peak at the retention time of 3.824 min corresponds to digoxin. c Chromatogram of the accession DL-12 indicating various peaks. Peak at the retention time of 3.831 min corresponds to digoxin. d Chromatogram of the accession DS-20 indicating various peaks. Peak at the retention time of 3.869 min corresponds to digoxin. e Chromatogram of the accession DL-11 indicating various peaks. Peak at the retention time of 3.914 min corresponds to digoxin. f Chromatogram of the accession DS-22 indicating various peaks. Peak at the retention time of 3.663 min corresponds to digoxin