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. 2013 Apr-Jun;8(2):234–241.

Table 2.

Evaluation of developing resistance in three chicken Eimeria field isolates in coccidian-infected broiler chicks

Experimental group AWG (g) FCR (g/g) Lesion score Oocyst index %GINNC %OAA AST
Ea Em Emi Et
Isolate 1 Salinomycin 307.4b 1.7C 0.7b 1.3 LE PR S PR S S
Amprolium+ethopabate 252.7C 2.01a 0.9b 1.5 PR R PR S R S
Diclazuril 254.5C 1.9b 0.9b 1.6 PR R PR PR S S
INC 237.1C 2.03a 1.9a 1.4
NNC 348.5a 1.6C - -
S.E.M. 12.0 0.04 0.14 0.14
Isolate2 Salinomycin 284.9b 1.77bc 0.8b 1.0ab LE PR R R R S
Amprolium+ethopabate 213.7C 2.1a 0.9b 1.6a R R R R PR S
Diclazuril 224.3C 1.9ab 1.0b 1.1ab PR R R R R S
INC 205.6C 2.03a 1.5a 0.8b
NNC 348.5a 1.65C - -
S.E.M. 14.9 0.04 0.09 0.13
Isolate 3 Salinomycin 249.6b 1.74C 1.5bc 1.5ab PR PR R PR PR PR
Amprolium+ethopabate 196.9C 2.1b 2.1ab 1.2b R R R PR R R
Diclazuril 258.1b 1.7C 1.2C 1.9ab PR PR R PR R S
INC 145.3d 2.75a 2.3a 2.6a
NNC 348.5a 1.65C - -
S.E.M. 18.6 0.12 0.17 0.23

Means sharing the same superscripts within each section do not differ (P ≤ 0.05).

AWG: Average weight gain: FCR: Feed conversion ratio; INC: Infected Non-medicated Control group; NNC: Non- Infected Non- medicated Control group;%GINNC=%WGNNC-[(FM-FNNC)×10]-(OIM-OIINC)-[(LSM-LSINC)×2)]-(%mortality/2) where GI is Global Index, WG is weight gain, F is FCR, OI is oocyst index, LS is lesion score, M is medicated group;%OAA=[average GSR of medicated group-average GSR of INC]/average GSR of NNC-average GSR of INC]×100 where OAA is Optimum Anticoccidial Activity, GSR is Growth and Survival Ratio calculated as the cage weight at trial termination+the weight of any dead bird/the cage weight when infected; AST= 100%-(mean lesion score of medicated group-mean lesion score of INC×100%) wher AST is Anticoccidial Sensitivity Test; Ea: Eimeria acervulina; Em: E. maxima; Emi: E. mitis; Et: E. tenella; LE: Limited Efficacy; PR: Partially Resistant; RS: Reduced Sensitivity; R: Resistant; S: Sensitive;