Figure 9.
Blocking EAATs converts the patch-like response in Crus II to a beam-like response. A, Statistically thresholded image of the Ca2+ response in Crus II to ipsilateral vibrissal stimulation (10–20 V, 300 μs pulses at 100 Hz for 50–100 ms) before (Vibrissa) and upon bath application of 300 μm TBOA in an FVB mouse (Vibrissa + TBOA). There is increased fluorescence response on or surrounding several blood vessels. This reflects the increased blood flow that accompanies activation of the cerebellar cortex (Mathiesen et al., 1998; Yang et al., 1999). Blood vessel-related activation was commonly observed. B, Same experiment as in A in an EAAT4 reporter mouse. C, Ratio of ML to RC dimensions of the evoked responses in the baseline condition (gray) and in the presence of TBOA (white) based on 10 FVB and 2 EAAT4 mice. *p < 0.05.