Figure 4.
The effects of accounting for subnational age structure on estimates of travel times to settlements and health clinics. (a) The absolute percentage changes in estimated numbers of women of childbearing age residing greater than five hours from the nearest settlement of population size larger than 50,000 people through changing from using UN national proportions [27] to the subnational data assembled here (Additional file 1: Protocol S1). The inset map shows those areas over five hours from the nearest settlement of population size greater than 50,000 in red. (b) The percentage changes in estimated numbers of women of childbearing age residing at different travel times from their nearest health facility for eight countries through changing from using UN national proportions [27] to the subnational data assembled here (Additional file 1: Protocol S1). The inset map shows the modeled travel times to health facilities in Liberia using the same coloring as the bar plot.