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. 2013 Jul 19;8:80. doi: 10.1186/1748-5908-8-80

Table 1.

Overview of core indicators for each of the surveys

Type of impact Indicators Data source
Quality of care
% babies weighed at birth
Women’s survey
% patients prescribed drugs outside facility
Exit interview
Average waiting time for targeted services in minutes
Average waiting time non-targeted services in mins
Average consultation time for targeted services in mins
Average consultation time for non targeted services in mins
% reporting overall quality satisfactory
% did blood test during ANC
% did blood pressure during ANC
% prescribed iron tablets during ANC
% prescribed drugs for malaria during ANC
% counselling for HIV
% tested for HIV
% women examined during PNC
% health workers satisfied with medicine availability
Health worker survey
% health workers satisfied with functioning equipment availability
% health workers satisfied with medical supplies availability
Mean no. Of clinical cadre
Facility survey
Mean no. Of nursing cadre
Mean no. Of paramedical cadre
% facilities being renovated in past year
% facilities with access to electricity
% facilities with access to piped water/hand pump
% facilities with toilet facilities
% facilities offering 24 hour delivery services
% facilities where skilled providers attend home deliveries
Average no of beds in the maternity ward for health centers/hospitals
% facility with stock out of DPT vaccine type in past 90 days
% facility with stock out of measles vaccine in past 90 days
% facilities with oxytocin stock outs in past 90 days
% facilities with ORS stock outs in past 90 days
% facilities with stock outs of all ARVs in past 90 days
% facilities with partograph stock outs in past 90 days
% facilities with gas for vaccine refrigeration stock outs in past 90 days
% facilities reporting all contraceptive pill types stock out in past 90 days
% facilities reporting delivery kits stock out in past 90 days
% facilities reporting broken equipment disrupted the provision of services in past 90 days
Service utilization
% women delivering in a health facility
Women’s survey
% of women who had 4 or more ANC visits
Average months pregnant at first ANC visit
% c-section rate
% newborn immunised before going home
% women treated for HIV
Women’s survey and exit interview
% women who received postnatal care within 2 months of birth in a health facility
Number of PNC visits in a health facility
% of women who were examined during PNC
Timing after birth for first visit in days
Women’s survey
% of children getting BCG
% of children fully immunised for polio (among appropriate age group)
% of children fully immunised for DPT (among appropriate age group)
% measles fully immunised for measles (among appropriate age group)
% women currently using a family planning method
Mean annual outpatient visits under 5
Facility survey
Mean annual outpatient visits all age groups
Mean annual inpatient admissions under 5
Mean annual inpatient admissions all age groups
Mean annual ANC service utilization (all ANC and first ANC)
Mean annual delivery service utilization (normal delivery)
Mean annual FP visits
Mean number of under 1 year olds receiving DPT vaccine
Mean number of under 1 year olds receiving polio vaccine
Mean number of under 1 year olds receiving measles vaccine
Mean number of infants receiving BCG vaccine
Motivation, work conditions
% health workers reporting increase in working hours in past 12 months
Health worker survey
% health workers reporting last external supervision occurred in past 90 days
% health workers receiving salary increase in last 12 months
% health workers reporting performance to be the reason for salary increase
% health workers reporting being motivated to work hard
% health workers satisfied with their salary
% health workers satisfied with their employment benefits
% health workers satisfied with promotion opportunities
Economic effects
% paying for delivery at public facility
Women’s survey
% patients attending targeted services paying for services
Exit interview
% patients attending non-targeted services paying for services
% service use among poorest compared to least poor women/children
Women’s survey and exit interview
% reporting payment for services among poorest compared to least poor women
Health - behavioural
Average weight of baby in kg
Women’s survey
% reporting small baby
% breastfeeding within 1 hr of birth
  Mean annual number of low birth weight babies Facility survey