Ethidium does not inhibit
RNase III binding to substrate. Gel shift assays were carried out
as described in Materials and Methods. (A) RNase
III binding to R1.1[WC] RNA. 5′-32P-labeled
RNA was combined with EB (concentrations given below), then RNase
III was added (5 nM dimer concentration) and the sample electrophoresed
in a non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel (see Materials and Methods).
The concentration of RNase III was chosen to provide only a partial
shift, in order to provide maximal sensitivity to any inhibitory
effect of EB. Higher concentrations of RNase III provide a complete
shift of the free RNA to the bound form (data not shown). CaCl2 (10
mM) was included in the binding reactions and gel and electrophoresis
buffers. The positions of bound and free R1.1[WC] RNA
are indicated. The smear of radioactivity between free and bound
RNA represents partial dissociation of the RNA–protein
complex during electrophoresis, which has been noted elsewhere (37).
Lane 1, no RNase III; lane 2, no EB; lane 3, 4 µM
EB; lane 4, 12 µM EB; lane 5, 20 µM EB; lane 6, 40 µM
EB; lane 7, 100 µM EB. (B)
RNase III binding to R1.1 RNA. The same conditions as described
above were used (10 mM CaCl2). Lane 1, no protein added;
lane 2, no EB, lane 3, 4 µM EB; lane
4, 12 µM EB; lane 5, 20 µM
EB; lane 6, 40 µM EB; lane 7, 80 µM EB.