// Input (X, R, , D, θ, κ, M, λ1, λ2) |
Define network
Initialize hash table
j ← 0, total weight wM ← 0, weight square vM ← 0, |
Number of successful paths Ns ← 0 |
whilej < Mdo
Path length i ← 1 |
Initialize path with the initial state
Time on current path t ← 0, weight of current path w ← 1 |
whilet < θ and do
Calculate reaction rates of state for all reactions
Enumerate all possible κ step paths π(i − 1, i + κ) starting from state using Algorithm of Ref 19. |
Calculate and for each Rk using Eq. 9, 10
Calculate bias strength for each Rk according to Eq. 12
Calculate tentative reaction rate for all Rk according to Eq. 14
Calculate final biased reaction rate for all Rk according to Eq. 17
end if
Retrieve , , , and from H using key
Generate two uniform random numbers and
t ← t + τi − 1,
i ← i + 1 |
end while
ift < θ and thenwM ← wM + w, vM ← vM + w2, Ns ← Ns + 1 |
end if
end while |
return Success Rate: s = Ns/M