Fig. 3.
Voltage clamp data comparing paired sensory neurons from the L4 and L5 levels after spinal nerve ligation (SNL) and neurons from control animals, including large and medium groups. No differences were discerned in large cells (A). Medium cells demonstrated significant difference in maximum Ca2+ conductance (Gmax) in response to 200-ms, 10-mV, stepwise, square wave pulses (B), and in peak amplitude (C) and total charge transfer (D) in response to a standardized action potential waveform. n = 7–13 neurons for each group. Peak current is normalized for cell capacitance; charge transfer is normalized for cell surface area. § P < 0.05 versus both L4 and control, by Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric analysis of variance with Dunn multiple comparison test for post hoc differences.