Figure 6. Downregulation of miR-452 in gliomas is due to promoter hypermethylation.
A. The expression of miR-452 correlated with GABRE mRNA expression in seven glioma cell lines. B. The expression of miR-452 correlated with GABRE mRNA expression in nine glioma tissue samples. C. Schematic illustration of the position of the miR-452 stem loop within the GABRE genomic sequence. D. Bisulfite sequencing analysis of NHA, 4 indicated glioma cell lines and 2 PDGCs. Three clones of PCR products from each sample of bisulfite-treated DNA were sequenced. Filled and open circles indicate methylation and nonmethylation, respectively. E. miR-452 was upregulated in the indicated glioma cell lines following 5-aza-dC treatment for 72 h. F. Percentage DNA methylation in GABRE promoter CpG islands based on the bisulfite sequencing results. Hypermethylation was observed in glioma samples (n = 25). Error bars represent the mean ± SD of three independent experiments. *, P < 0.05.