Fig. 5.
Induction of liver TNF after PH is abrogated in ADAM17 m-KO mice, but liver regeneration is not affected. A: levels of TNF protein in the liver after PH are significantly lower in ADAM17 h-KO mice compared with controls (n = 3–5). B: liver levels of TNFR1 protein in ADAM17 m-KO mice are not significantly different from controls at baseline or 6 h after PH (n = 3). C and D: DNA synthesis, as determined by BrdU incorporation (n = 4) (C) and mitosis (n = 4–5) (D) are unaffected in ADAM17 h-KO mice compared with Cre- littermates. E: restoration of liver mass, determined by liver-to-body weight ratio, is similar in ADAM17 h-KO mice and Cre- controls (n = 3–6). Data are presented as means ± SE. ***P < 0.001.