In vivo chondrogenesis. Safranin O staining: (A) HA-FIB, 1 week, (D) HA-FIB-B3.75, 1 week, (G) HA-FIB, 6 weeks, (L) HA-FIB-B3.75 6 weeks. Immunohistochemistry for type II collagen: (B) HA-FIB, 1 week, (E) HA-FIB-B3.75, 1 week, (H) HA-FIB, 6 weeks, and (M) HA-FIB-B3.75 6 weeks. Immunohistochemistry for type I collagen: (C) HA-FIB, 1 week, (F) HA-FIB-B3.75, 1 week, (I) HA-FIB, 6 weeks, and (N) HA-FIB-B3.75, 6 weeks. Scale bar: 50 μm. Color images available online at