Wnt pathway modulation synergizes with valproic acid (VPA) to further induce SIX2/OSR1. (A) qRT-PCR analysis of β-CATENIN in hKEpC and hFKC subjected to VPA. (B) β-CATENIN immunofluorescence in hKEpC and hFKC after treatment with VPA for 24 h; β-CATENIN expression in hKEpC or hFKC before (I, III and V, VII) and after (II, IV and VI, IX) treatment, respectively, is shown in low (63×) and high magnification (100×), showing strong and extensive expression in VPA-treated cells, as well as nuclear localization (IV). Bar, 20 μM. (C) qRT-PCR analysis of WNT4 in hKEpC and hFKC subjected to VPA. (D) qRT-PCR analysis of SIX2 and OSR1 following the addition of Wnt pathway antagonist to untreated and VPA-treated hKEpC and hFKC. In sections A, C, and D, the values for untreated control hFKC/hKEpC were used to normalize (therefore equal 1) and all other values were calculated with respect to them. Data were calculated as average±standard deviation (SD). (*) p<0.05; (**) p<0.005. Color images available online at www.liebertpub.com/cell